
I am a social psychologist and in very broad terms I am interested in how we navigate negative* interpersonal dynamics. More specifically, some of my research focuses on social exclusion and some on social biases.

In my current position as a postdoctoral researcher at UvA I’m working on how interpersonal dynamics shape (un)ethical behaviors in organizations.


Meral, E. O., Rosenbusch, H., Kip, A., Ren, D., van Dijk, E., & van Beest, I. (2022). Social Ball: An immersive research paradigm to study social ostracism, Preprint


Meral, E., O. (2023). Talking about belonging: Whether, why, and how people talk about social exlcusion. Doctoral dissertation. link, pdf

Meral, E., O., van Beest, I., Karaduman, C. (2023). Raising awareness about social exclusion in schools through experiential learning. Social Psychology of Education, 26, 367-381 preprint, pdf, post print

Meral, E., O., Vranjes, I., van Osch, Y., Ren, D. , van Dijk, E., van Beest, I. (2023). Intent, intensity, and ambiguity: Appraisals of workplace ostracism and coping responses. Aggressive Behavior, 49, 127-140. pdf

Jaeger, B.* & Meral, E., O.* (2022). Who can be fooled? Modeling perceptions of gullibility from facial appearance.Social Cognition. 40(2), 127-149, preprint post print. *equal contributions

Meral, E., O., van Osch, Y. ,Ren, D. , van Dijk, E., van Beest, I. (2021). The anticipated social cost of disclosing a rejection experience. European Journal of Social Psychology, 51(7), 1181-1197, pdf

Saribay, S. A., Biten, A. F., Meral, E., O., Aldan, P., Třebický, V., & Kleisner, K. (2018). The Bogazici face database: Standardized photographs of Turkish faces with supporting materials. PloS one, 13(2), e0192018. pdf